Ecommerce Platform with Microservices Architecture

Business Process Management


Machine Learning

Mobile Application

Web Application

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AI Consulting Services and Advanced Data Analytics
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  • Custom E-Commerce Platform: Developed using a true microservices architecture powered by, ensuring scalability, flexibility, and rapid deployment.
  • Shopify-Based Solutions: For certain clients, we’ve crafted solutions based on Shopify depending on their scalability needs and preferences.
  • Reusable Modules: Architecture built on reusability, with modules deployable across different projects, reducing both time and costs.
  • ORDM Compatibility: Enables downstream processing logic built for ORDM input, facilitating efficient data management and analytics.
  • Demand Forecasting: Advanced algorithms enable enterprises to accurately predict and meet consumer demand.
    Marketing Tools for Small Vendors: Tailored solutions enhance product visibility and widen audience reach.
  • Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) Support: Businesses can establish effective referral systems, reward mechanisms, and more, transforming their customer base into promoters.
  • Dashboard Functionalities:
    • Admin dashboard for overall platform management.
    • Buyer dashboard for user-specific functionalities.
    • Seller dashboard tailored for vendor operations.
  • Inventory Management: Efficient system to manage stock and meet growing user demands.
  • Bidding Process: A mechanism for competitive pricing and sales.
  • Discounts & Offers: Manage promotional offers to boost sales.
  • User Reviews: Allow users to post reviews and compare products based on feedback.
  • Product Descriptions: Detailed and aesthetically pleasing product descriptions for improved user experience.
  • Search Functionality: Efficient search algorithms to help users quickly find desired products.
  • Payment Integration: Support integration with various payment gateways and handle multiple currencies.
  • Returns & Exchanges: Streamlined process for users to return or exchange products with tracking capabilities.
  • Recommended Products: Track user activity and behavior to suggest relevant products.
  • Site Creation & Management: Easy creation of new pages and forms on the platform.
  • Site Security: Implement standard security measures with additional perks for enhanced protection.
  • Customizable Design: Flexible design options to match the brand’s aesthetic.
  • Modular Application: Add or remove functionalities based on current demands.
  • Communication Channels: Establish a communication channel between buyers, sellers, and administrators. Also, support various communication modes like emailers and live chat.
  • Design Considerations : Hotspot analysis of webpages to understand user interaction behavior. Offer customization options to cater to the brand’s identity and user preferences.
  • Microservices Architecture : The platform should be built using a microservices architecture for scalability and flexibility.
  • Multi User and Multi Tenancy : Support for Administrators, Vendors/Sellers, End-users/Buyers
  • Java &
  • Databases : MongoDB or other Cloud Data Stores
  • AWS S3 and AWS Athena
  • Shopify
  • Elasticsearch
  • Payment Gateways
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