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Mobile Application
A location based mobile application that connects students who aspire to join forces with well-established trainers for physical and academic training as per their goals.
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Business Requirement
Millions of youth seek a career in the armed, paramilitary and police forces. However, most never make it past the initial recruitment tests due to lack of guidance, academic coaching and physical training.
The client who runs a recruitment training academy approached us with the need to help them transform young candidates into academically proficient, physically fit, mentally strong individuals. Dexlock built a mobile application with easy to use and interesting user interfaces that helps students learn things in an interesting manner.
- Dexlock built a mobile application for the students as well as for the trainers with different features. An admin dashboard to manage the different entities was also part of the project.
- The application onboards students through automatic criteria evaluation, which allows them to filter out students who don’t fit the physical criterias determined by the armed, paramilitary and police forces. Trainers on boarded by the application are mapped with the enrolled students based on location to facilitate physical training based on the different goals/career paths.
- The trainers can schedule different physical training sessions for the students under him and upload and manage their attendance and performance in the application on a daily/monthly basis.
- Students can access goal specific academic tutorials or videos and attend tests to prepare themselves for the competitive examination. They can track their physical performance and its progress to fulfil their career goals along with rating their physical trainers.
- Admin dashboard manages the contents for the admin as well as trainers. The admin can manage the physical training locations, trainers, and students in the platform. It also provides job notifications to students based on their selected goals.
The application helps students become efficient and the ideal candidate for a career in the armed forces with its engaging and easy to use academic contents as well as physical training offered.
- React JS
- Mongo DB
- Android